Today is the last day of school before the summer holidays.
End of 8th grade is different in Ontario. By the way, it’s called Grade 8, and not 8th grade here.
In Florida, completing 8th grade was the same as completing any other grade with the exception of 12th grade. In Ontario they make a very big deal. Grade 8 graduation here is a formal event.
Last night middle boy graduated from Grade 8 with distinction (good grades). The graduation ceremony took place at the local high school. Youngest boy played the trumpet in the school band. Afterwards the “grads” went back to their elementary school for their 8th grade “prom”. Wow! Very fancy. The “dance”, otherwise known as (hanging out with my friends and eating the food) ended at 10:30 pm.
As these Ontario kids have attended an elementary school from Jr Kindergarten to Grade 8 (instead of middle school), grade 8 graduation is quite a right of passage. They are leaving behind their care-free days of elementary school, leaving behind recess twice a day, and entering the more serious arena of more homework, university entrance exams, and semester finals.
Middle boy had fun!